video presentations




 • Dr. Theoharides discusses ViralProtek and its benefits with Linda Carson in Suncoast View on October 26, 202

• Dr. Theoharides speaks at the NIH workshop on Neurologic Aspects of Long-COVID 2023-09

My Mystery Symptoms

Psoriasis & Stress

Dr. Theoharides Presentation
Information about NeuroProtek®



Live Presentations on Autism


  • Webinar on Autism Research Coalition (September 17, 2021)




    Slide Deck (PPT) Download



  • Polly meets Theoharis Theoharides
  • NeuroProtek with Theoharis C. Theoharides, MS, PhD, MD, FAAAAI
  • AYTISMOS - Autism with Dr, Theoharides, MS, PhD, MD, FAAAAI
  • Interview with Dr Theoharides. Part 1
  • Interview with Dr Theoharides. Part 2
  • Sons and Daughters of Autism lecture Palm Beach Gardens, Fl
  • ARI-Brain Allergy and Autism
  • An Autism Subgroup With Brain Inflammation Is Treatable - 2016

    Live Presentations on Cancer, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Interstitial Cystitis and Mastocytosis

  • CystoProtek
  • Inflamation, Cancer & Obesity
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Mast Cell Activation Symptomatology (Part 1 of 3)
  • Mast Cell Activation Symptomatology (Part 3 of 3)
  • Mast Cell Disorders
  • My mystery symptoms and mast cells
  • On Mastocytosis, Mast cell activation, Lyme and Mold-2018
  • Interview with Dr. Theoharides on NewGreek-TV with YannaDarilis on COVID-19

    Radio presentations

  • Interview of Dr. Theoharides by Mary Ann Rousso to The BlockTakRadio/Coffee Klatch/Special Needs Radio on Mast Cell Disorders
  • Interview of Dr. Theoharides on intelligent radio by Dr. Hoffman on the benefits of luteolin
  • The GeneFood Podcast (7/2020) Supplements That Battle Covid-19, Repurposing Pharmaceuticals, The Cytokine Storm, And Getting Smarter For The Second Wave With Dr. Theoharis Theoharides
  • Looking at Lyme (11/2020)


    Autism, Syros - Greece

    • Inflamation, CNN Greece

    Professor Theoharides Speaks about "Inflammation" to CNN-Greece

    Syros 10-2013 - Agaio TV

    Inflamation, Cancer & Obesity
    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Program celebrating the life of Dr. Theoharides (2019)
  • Συνέντευξη του Δρ. Θεοχαρίδη για την «Ομίχλη του Εγκεφάλου» στο ΒΗΜΑ ΤΗΣ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗΣ
  • Συνέντευξη του Δρ. Θεοχαρίδη στην ΚΡΗΤΗ-TV-Ο Κορωναιος στο Μικροσκόπιο της Επιστήμης
  • Συνέντευξη του Δρ. Θεοχαρίδη στην Μαρία Αθανασίου-Καθημερινή για COVID-19 Brain Fog (12/12/2020)
  • Συνέντευξη του Δρ. Θεοχαρίδη στην ‘Αρια Σωκράτους-Εθνικό Κήρυκα για τον COVID-19 και την ομίχλη εγκεφάλου (23/1/2021)
  • Αρθρο του Δρ. Θεοχαρίδη στην Καθημερινή για ερωτήματα σχετικά με COVID-19 (02/08/2021)




    Apagando el incendio en el cerebro





    Other Videos on Youtube

    Dr. Theoharides Presentation
    Information about NeuroProtek®
    Polly meets Theoharis Theoharides





    Allergies, Mast Cells, Mastocytosis with Dr. Kara Fitzgerald of Functional Medicine


    Inflammation / Luteolin


    upcoming events
    16-18 Mar

    MAPS SPRING 2023
    Functional & Translational Medicine Conferance MARCH 16-18, 2023 at Charlotte, NC
    Event Website


    4 Apr

    Mast Cell Over-Activation, and How it Affects our Mind and Body Wellbeing
    Thursday, April 4th 1:00 PM EDT | 19:00 (Copenhagen)
    Location: Zoon
    Send an email to about your participation. A Zoom link will be shared in response.


    Greek Presentations

    Το σύνδρομο του Long Covid και η εξατομικευμένη προστασία από τον κορονοϊό

    Long Covid Syndrome και εξατομικευμένη προστασία από τον κορονοϊό

    Presentation 01 / PDF Details


    Prof. Theoharides' Invited Lectures (2015-17)

    • • Australia Autism Lecture (April 24, 2015; Melbourne, Australia)
    • • Boston Conservatory of Music (May 5, 2015; Boston, MA)
    • • Autism Education Summit (September 26, 2015; Dallas, TX)
    • • National Autism Association (October 15, 2015; St. Pete, FL)
    • • Autism Research Institute (December 5, 2015; Boston, MA, 2015)
    • • Cyprus Pediatric Association (February 14, 2016; Nicosia, CY)
    • • TARF Think Tank (February 19, 2016; Boston, MA)
    • • NCIMS (February 27, 2016;Greenboro, NC)
    • • TACA Massachusetts (March 12, 2016; Watertown MA)
    • • 11th PanHellenic Conference on Allergy & Clinical Immunology (April 16, 2016; Athens, Greece)
    • • TACA Webinar (April 25, 2016; 1 pm)
    • • All Childrens Hospital (April 1, 2016; St. Pete, FL)
    • • TACA Philadelphia (May 7, 2016; Philadelphia, PA)
    • • Autism One (May 27, 2016; Chicago, IL)
    • • Autism One Think Tank (May 28, 2016; Chicago, IL)
    • • EAAACI (June 7-11, 2017; Vienna, Austria)
    • • Old North State Medical Society (June 23-25, 2016; Raleigh, NC)
    • • FASEB Summer Research Conference in the long-running Neuroimmunology series entitled "Translational Neuroimmunology: From Mechanisms to Therapeutics" (July 24-29, 2016; Big Sky, MT)
    • • 11th Annual USAAA World Autism and Asperger Conference (August 29, 2016; Louisville, KY)
    • • MAPS Conference (September 9, 2016; Atlanta, GA)
    • • The Mastocytosis Society (September 15-17, 2016; Orlando, FL)
    • • International College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology (ICGP) (October 7, 2016; Athens, Greece)
    • • TACA National Conference (October 22, 2016; Costa Mesa, CA)
    • • ILADS Annual meeting (November 4, 2016; Philadelphia, PA)
    • • 37th UMEMPS (Union of Middle-Eastern and Mediterranean Pediatric Societies-Cyprus Pediatric Society (November 6, 2016; Limassol, Cyprus)
    • • 1st International Conference on Autism (November 22, 2016; Paphos, Cyprus)
    • • Nashville Support Group Meeting - Saturday, September 16, 2017 10a-4p Hermitage Library, 3700 James Kay Lane, Hermitage, TN 37076 Speaker: Dr. Theoharides, MD

    • • Brain Fires in Autism: Mast Cells, Microglia and Brain Inflammation - Hilton Orange County Hotel in Costa Mesa, BELIEVE room 2 – 8:00AM October 2017.
    • • Stress, Brain Inflammation and Brain Fog in Autism - Hilton Orange County Hotel in Costa Mesa, BELIEVE room 2 – 8:00AM October 2017
    • • Bari (Italy), 2nd European Conference of Biomedical Research and Treatments of Autism - Mast cell-microglia connection leading to focal inflammation of the brain in autism Saturday @ 15.40 - Brochure (PDF) November 2017
    • • Queen Mary University of London, 15:30-15:30-Regulatory systems pathway from stress to disease and possible parallels to periodontal disease Email: November 2017
    • • Queen Mary University of London, 15:30-16:00-Interventions on the immune regulatory systems Email: November 2017
    • • Conway Hall, London, 10:00 am, Brain Fires in Autism: Mast Cells, Microglia and Inflammation of the Brain December 2017
    • • Conway Hall, London, 10:00 am, Role of Mast Cells in Inflammatory Diseases December 2017

    EAAACI=European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
    ILADS=International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society
    MAPS=Medical Academy of Pediatrics  Se-0pcial Needs
    NCIMS=North Carolina Integrative Medical Society
    TARF=The Autism Research Foundation
    TACA=Think About Curing Autism
    ILADS=International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society


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