Fibromyalgia / Chronic Fatigue
Intro coming soon...
Recent Publications (PDF)
Fibromyalgia - New Concepts Of Pathogenesis And Treatment
INTRO: Fibromyalgia (FMS) is a debilitating disorder characterized by chronic diffuse muscle pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance, depression and skin sensitivity. There are no genetic or biochemical markers and patients often present with other comorbid diseases, such as migraines, interstitial cystitis and irritable bowel syndrome. Diagnosis includes the presence of 11/18 trigger points, but many patients with early symptoms might not fit this definition. Pathogenesis is still unknown, but there has been evidence of increased corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and substance P (SP) in the CSF of FMS patients, as well as increased SP, IL-6 and IL-8 in their serum. Increased numbers of activated mast cells were also noted in skin biopsies. The hypothesis is put forward that FMS is a neuro-immunoendocrine disorder where increased release of CRH and SP from neurons in specific muscle sites triggers local mast cells to release proinflammatory and neurosensitizing molecules. There is no curative treatment although low doses of tricyclic antidepressants and the serotonin-3 receptor antagonist tropisetron, are helpful. Recent nutraceutical formulations containing the natural anti-inflammatory and mast cell inhibitory flavonoid quercetin hold promise since they can be used together with other treatment modalities.
upcoming events
Functional & Translational Medicine Conferance
MARCH 16-18, 2023 at Charlotte, NC
Event Website
Mast Cell Over-Activation, and How it Affects our Mind and Body Wellbeing
Thursday, April 4th 1:00 PM EDT | 19:00 (Copenhagen)
Location: Zoon
Send an email to about your participation. A Zoom link will be shared in response.
• Το σύνδρομο του Long Covid και η εξατομικευμένη προστασία από τον κορονοϊό
• Long Covid Syndrome και εξατομικευμένη προστασία από τον κορονοϊό
• Presentation 01 / PDF Details
Prof. Theoharides' Invited Lectures (2015-17)
- • Australia Autism Lecture (April 24, 2015; Melbourne, Australia)
- • Boston Conservatory of Music (May 5, 2015; Boston, MA)
- • Autism Education Summit (September 26, 2015; Dallas, TX)
- • National Autism Association (October 15, 2015; St. Pete, FL)
- • Autism Research Institute (December 5, 2015; Boston, MA, 2015)
- • Cyprus Pediatric Association (February 14, 2016; Nicosia, CY)
- • TARF Think Tank (February 19, 2016; Boston, MA)
- • NCIMS (February 27, 2016;Greenboro, NC)
- • TACA Massachusetts (March 12, 2016; Watertown MA)
- • 11th PanHellenic Conference on Allergy & Clinical Immunology (April 16, 2016; Athens, Greece)
- • TACA Webinar (April 25, 2016; 1 pm)
- • All Childrens Hospital (April 1, 2016; St. Pete, FL)
- • TACA Philadelphia (May 7, 2016; Philadelphia, PA)
- • Autism One (May 27, 2016; Chicago, IL)
- • Autism One Think Tank (May 28, 2016; Chicago, IL)
- • EAAACI (June 7-11, 2017; Vienna, Austria)
- • Old North State Medical Society (June 23-25, 2016; Raleigh, NC)
- • FASEB Summer Research Conference in the long-running Neuroimmunology series entitled "Translational Neuroimmunology: From Mechanisms to Therapeutics" (July 24-29, 2016; Big Sky, MT)
- • 11th Annual USAAA World Autism and Asperger Conference (August 29, 2016; Louisville, KY)
- • MAPS Conference (September 9, 2016; Atlanta, GA)
- • The Mastocytosis Society (September 15-17, 2016; Orlando, FL)
- • International College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology (ICGP) (October 7, 2016; Athens, Greece)
- • TACA National Conference (October 22, 2016; Costa Mesa, CA)
- • ILADS Annual meeting (November 4, 2016; Philadelphia, PA)
- • 37th UMEMPS (Union of Middle-Eastern and Mediterranean Pediatric Societies-Cyprus Pediatric Society (November 6, 2016; Limassol, Cyprus)
- • 1st International Conference on Autism (November 22, 2016; Paphos, Cyprus)
- • Nashville Support Group Meeting - Saturday, September 16, 2017 10a-4p Hermitage Library, 3700 James Kay Lane, Hermitage, TN 37076 Speaker: Dr. Theoharides, MD
- • Brain Fires in Autism: Mast Cells, Microglia and Brain Inflammation - Hilton Orange County Hotel in Costa Mesa, BELIEVE room 2 – 8:00AM October 2017.
- • Stress, Brain Inflammation and Brain Fog in Autism - Hilton Orange County Hotel in Costa Mesa, BELIEVE room 2 – 8:00AM October 2017
- • Bari (Italy), 2nd European Conference of Biomedical Research and Treatments of Autism - Mast cell-microglia connection leading to focal inflammation of the brain in autism Saturday @ 15.40 - Brochure (PDF) November 2017
- • Queen Mary University of London, 15:30-15:30-Regulatory systems pathway from stress to disease and possible parallels to periodontal disease Email: November 2017
- • Queen Mary University of London, 15:30-16:00-Interventions on the immune regulatory systems Email: November 2017
- • Conway Hall, London, 10:00 am, Brain Fires in Autism: Mast Cells, Microglia and Inflammation of the Brain December 2017
- • Conway Hall, London, 10:00 am, Role of Mast Cells in Inflammatory Diseases December 2017
EAAACI=European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
ILADS=International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society
MAPS=Medical Academy of Pediatrics Se-0pcial Needs
NCIMS=North Carolina Integrative Medical Society
TARF=The Autism Research Foundation
TACA=Think About Curing Autism
ILADS=International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society
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